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February Birthstone Jewelry
Amethyst is a purple variety of the quartz family whose name derives from the Greek word "amethustos," or "not to intoxicate." According to Greek myth, Dionysus, the God of Intoxication, became infuriated by an insult and swore revenge on the next person to cross his path. Amethyst, a young maiden, was that person. When she saw the young girl in trouble, Goddess Diana acted quickly to save Amethyst, turning her into a statue of crystalline quartz. Dionysus saw the statue and became overwhelmed with grief, spilling out remorseful tears of wine and thus staining the quartz the familiar purple color we see today.
In the past and still today, Amethyst is used to heal headaches, alleviate sugar imbalances and stabilize negative influences. To many the stone encourages peace of mind by opening of the third "celestial" eye, located in the center of the forehead.